Indoor Play Equipment 270-010
Code: 270-010
Size: 12.45m long x 23.52m wide
Unusual Area? you need an unusual indoor Playground.
Do you already have an indoo rplay centre building and just can't seem to find an indoor playground to suit your unusual area?
We have all your answer right here. Below is an example of an indoor playground design that fit along an unsual corner or a long thin area. We can custom design any type of indoor playground but below is just an example of a playground that can fit along a back wall of a large play cente with ease. This means you have more room for the cafe, toddler area and any other interactive games you may want.
Don't forget we also do an indoor Karaoke stage which can be an added extra for any indoor playground design. Kid's love to dance and sing so this will keep them entertained for hours!
Would you like to return back to the indoor playgrounds for 270k and over section or maybe have a look at some of our other exciting indoor playgrounds for your new play centre?